English Language Learners ELLs




Accelerating Language Learning

for English Language Learners (ELLs) 



As our world becomes increasingly interconnected, the ability to communicate effectively in English is crucial for success. However, English Language Learners ELLs often face challenges in acquiring language skills. These challenges can impact language development, academic progress, and overall integration.


In this blog, we will explore the obstacles faced by ELLs in schools and introduce the Fast ForWord program offered at BrainFit® Thailand - an effective tool designed to support ELLs on students’ language learning journey. Discover how this program serves as a valuable resource for parents and teachers, helping ELLs overcome language barriers and thrive in English-speaking environments.


"english language learners ells"


Here are some common obstacles that ELLs may encounter:


  • Language Barrier: The most obvious obstacle for ELLs is the language barrier. Adjusting to a new language can be daunting, making it difficult to communicate effectively, understand classroom instructions, and actively participate in academic activities.


  • Limited Vocabulary: ELLs may have a limited English vocabulary, which can hinder their comprehension of written and spoken language. Understanding academic content, following instructions, and expressing themselves articulately becomes a challenge.


  • Academic Demands: ELLs may struggle to keep up with the academic demands of their grade level. They may encounter difficulties in reading complex texts, understanding subject-specific vocabulary, and completing assignments that require advanced language skills.


  • Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem: Language barriers and academic challenges can impact ELLs' self-confidence and self-esteem. They may feel hesitant to participate in class discussions, make mistakes, or express themselves due to fear of judgment or misunderstanding.


Recognizing and addressing these obstacles is crucial to support ELLs effectively. By providing targeted language support, creating inclusive learning environments, and promoting cultural sensitivity, schools and communities can help ELLs overcome these challenges and thrive academically and socially.


Not only that! Thankfully, technology provides innovative solutions to enhance language learning. We will explore further how the Fast ForWord program can make a significant impact on the learning journey of ELL students.


"english language learners ells"


Understanding the Fast ForWord Program:

The Fast ForWord program is a scientifically-based language and reading intervention developed by neuroscientists. This technology-driven program provides personalized and intensive exercises that target the fundamental cognitive skills necessary for language learning. By stimulating the brain's ability to process auditory information, the program strengthens key areas such as phonemic awareness, vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension. Fast ForWord offers a comprehensive approach that supports both parents and schools in their efforts to accelerate language development for ELL students.

English Language Learners (ELLs) can greatly benefit from the Fast ForWord program due to its unique features and targeted interventions. 


The Benefits of Fast ForWord for ELLs:


  • Enhanced Phonological Awareness: Fast ForWord strengthens ELLs' phonological awareness skills, helping them improve pronunciation and decode unfamiliar words.


  • Vocabulary Expansion: The program exposes ELLs to a wide range of English words, facilitating vocabulary growth and improving language comprehension.


  • Grammar and Sentence Structure: Fast ForWord focuses on developing ELLs' understanding and usage of grammatical rules and sentence structures, promoting accurate expression.


  • Reading Comprehension Improvement: By strengthening cognitive skills related to auditory processing and working memory, Fast ForWord enhances ELLs' reading comprehension abilities.


  • Personalized Learning Experience: Fast ForWord assesses each learner's abilities and adjusts exercises accordingly, providing tailored instruction to optimize progress.





Fast ForWord at BrainFit® Thailand: A Holistic Approach:

BrainFit®, in collaboration with educators and experts, integrates the Fast ForWord program into their comprehensive approach to supporting ELLs. By combining technology, personalized instruction, and a supportive learning environment, BrainFit® ensures that ELLs receive the necessary tools and resources to overcome language obstacles. With experienced instructors and a focus on individualized attention, we maximize the impact of the Fast ForWord program, fostering accelerated language development and academic growth in ELLs.



Study Summary:

"ELLs research"


Fast ForWord research for English Language Learners (ELLs) shows that students across the United States who were English Language Learners (ELLs) significantly improved language comprehension, a skill critical for becoming a strong reader.


Source: Scientific Learning Corporation (1999). Improved Language Skills by Children with Low Reading Performance who used Fast ForWord Language ; MAPS for Learning: Product Report 3(1)1:13.




Ready to make a positive impact on ELLs' language skills?


Our experienced instructors and comprehensive approach will ensure that ELLs receive the support they need to overcome language barriers and thrive academically. Don't miss out on this opportunity to unlock the full potential of ELLs. 

Email us on [email protected] or call us at 02-656-9938, 091-774-3769 to learn more about how Fast ForWord can transform the language learning journey of ELLs.



Empower ELLs to succeed - contact BrainFit® and let's make a difference together!



Contact us today!

02-656-9938, 02-656-9939, 091-774-3769

[email protected]

Line: @brainfit_th


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